Lipum AB – Year-end report 2021

Press release: Umeå, 25 March 2022. Lipum AB (publ) has published the interim report for period October to December and the year-end report for 2021. Below is a summary, a complete report (only in Swedish) is available on the company's website ( Einar Pontén comments: “The last quarter of the year was largely characterized by the [...]


Lipum AB – interim report for the period July – September 2021

Press release: Umeå, 26 November 2021. Lipum AB (publ) has published the interim report for period July to September 2021. Below is a brief summary, a complete report (only in Swedish) is available on the company's website ( Einar Pontén comments: “We are progressing according to plan and both toxicology- and safety studies, according to GLP, [...]


Lipum AB – kvartalsrapport för perioden juli-september 2021

Pressmeddelande: Umeå, 26 november 2021. Lipum AB (publ) publicerar härmed kvartalsrapporten för perioden juli till september 2021. Nedan följer en kort sammanfattning. En fullständig rapport finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida ( sammanfattning för perioden januari till september 2021 Nettoomsättning: 0 KSEK (15) Resultat efter finansiella poster: -23 080 KSEK (-11 333) Likvida medel per 30 september: [...]


Lipum AB – interim report for the period January – June 2021

Press release: Umeå, 27 August, 2021. Lipum AB has published the interim report for period January to June 2021. Below is a brief summary, a complete report (only in Swedish) is available on the company's website ( Einar Pontén comments: “Lipum has reached a stage when we are preparing for clinical trials. Important intermediate goals have [...]


Lipum AB – delårsrapport för perioden januari – juni 2021

Pressmeddelande: Umeå, 27 augusti, 2021. Lipum AB publicerar härmed delårsrapporten för perioden januari till juni 2021. Nedan följer en kort sammanfattning. En fullständig rapport finns tillgänglig på bolagets hemsida ( sammanfattning första halvåret 2021 Nettoomsättning: 0 KSEK (13) Resultat efter finansiella poster: -17 458 KSEK (-12 361) Likvida medel per 30 juni: 68 729 KSEK (17 [...]

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