Nyemission säkrar fortsatt utveckling av nytt läkemedel

Lipum har stöd från Horizon 2020, EU: s ramprogram för forskning och utveckling, genom ett bidrag på 23 MSEK för utveckling av ett biologiskt läkemedel för behandling av kroniska inflammatoriska sjukdomar. I anknytning till detta bidrag utökades antalet aktieägare genom en nyemission som tillförde ytterligare 25 MSEK under år 2019. Nu har Bolaget tagit in [...]


Capital raise secures development of Lipum’s novel drug

Lipum is supported by Horizon 2020, the EU framework program for research and development, and was granted 23 MSEK for the development of a biological pharmaceutical for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition to this grant another 25 MSEK was raised in 2019. Now the capital needed to maintain the momentum has been secured [...]


Dr Kristian Sandberg ny styrelseledamot i Lipum

Dr Kristian Sandberg valdes till ny styrelseledamot vid en extra bolagsstämma i Umeå den 3 mars 2020.Vid en extra bolagsstämma i Umeå den 3 mars 2020 valdes Dr Kristian Sandberg till ny styrelseledamot i Lipum AB. Dr Kristian Sandberg är docent i immunologi och en erfaren ledare inom forskning och utveckling i läkemedelsindustrin. Sandberg har [...]


Dr Kristian Sandberg new board member of Lipum

Dr Kristian Sandberg was elected as new member of the board at an extraordinary general meeting held in Umeå on March 3, 2020.Dr Kristian Sandberg is an associate professor in immunology and an experienced leader in the pharmaceutical industry’s research and development. Sandberg has over 20 years’ experience from AstraZeneca in various functions within R&D, [...]


A milestone has been reached

After an intensive and targeted work, the cell line development of our lead drug candidate SOL-116 has been finalized. Now the production optimization and scale up has been initiated and that will provide access of non-GMP and GMP material during 2020. That will enable toxicity studies and start of clinical trials as planned during 2021.Read [...]


Expert förstärker vid utveckling av läkemedel mot reumatism hos barn

Lipum har utvecklat en biologisk läkemedelskandidat med målsättningen att erbjuda bättre behandling av reumatism hos barn (juvenil idiopatisk artrit, JIA). Därför förstärks nu bolagets vetenskapliga råd med Anders Fasth som är senior professor i pediatrisk immunologi vid Göteborgs universitet och seniorkonsult vid Drottning Silvias Barnsjukhus i Göteborg.Anders Fasth kommenterar detta med: ”Jag började behandla barn [...]


Professor Anders Fasth joins the scientific advisory board

Lipum has developed a biological drug candidate for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and aim for a better treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), that affects children. Therefore, the scientific advisory board of the company is now strengthened with Anders Fasth, senior professor of pediatric immunology at the University of Gothenburg and a senior consultant [...]


BioStock Life Science Summit

Life Science industry leaders, financing experts and qualified investors gather in Lund. Welcome to meet us at Biostock Life Science Summit, october 23th-24th.Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biostock-life-science-summit-2019-tickets-73953881049


BioStock Life Science Summit

Branschledare, finansieringsexperter och kvalificerade investerare inom Life Science samlas i Lund. Välkommen att träffa oss på Biostock Life Science Summit, 23-24 oktober.Registrera dig här: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biostock-life-science-summit-2019-tickets-73953881049


Lipum participates in investment and partnering meeting

Today, our COO, Pernilla Abrahamsson, is traveling to Paris to participate at French-Swedish Life Science Days 2019.The goal of the conference is to establish new contacts and identify business and collaboration opportunities. The conference will gather early stage and highly innovative medtech and biotech companies from Sweden and France, French and Swedish life science investors [...]

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