Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases — Notid
Lipum kallar till årsstämma
Aktieägarna i Lipum AB, org. nr. 556813-5999 ("Lipum"), kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 25 juni 2020, kl. 16:00 på Tvistevägen 48C i Umeå. Aktieägare som önskar delta i stämman ska vara införd i aktieboken per dagen för stämman. Föranmälan senast måndagen den 22 juni 2019 per e-post till [...]
Another step towards a novel treatment
What effect has elevated levels of our target molecule on human blood? Together with our partner Immuneed we will increase our understanding. Another step towards a novel treatment of inflammatory diseases.
The production development at Abzena proceeds successfully
At last our fully humanised antibody and lead candidate SOL-116 will be traveling soon. The production development at Abzena proceeds successfully and according to plan. Downstream processing and quality control have been done and SOL-116 is on its way to Umeå. An enthusiastic team is waiting impatiently to continue with further [...]
Dr Kristian Sandberg new board member of Lipum
Dr Kristian Sandberg is an associate professor in immunology and an experienced leader in the pharmaceutical industry’s research and development. Sandberg has over 20 years’ experience from AstraZeneca in various functions within R&D, primarily with project leader responsibilities. He has experiences from the development of both protein and conventional small [...]
Lipum will attend Bio-Europe Spring 2020
In March Lipum will attend Bio-Europe Spring, Europe's largest partnership conference for the biotechnology industry. Meet us there! Visit site:
Lipum kallar till extra bolagsstämma
Aktieägarna i Lipum AB, org. nr. 556813-5999, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma tisdagen den 3 mars 2020, kl. 13:00 på Tvistevägen 48C i Umeå. Styrelsen föreslår att Dr Kristian Sandberg väljs som ordinarie styrelseledamot i Lipum AB. Ladda ned kallelse här »
European Commission Horizon 2020
SME Instrument phase 1 No 744248
SME Instrument phase 2 No 829741
Project title:
Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Project budget:
3.2 M€
Funding from the EU:
2.2 M€