Lipum’s final report for Horizon 2020 has been approved

Press release: Umeå, 18 March 2021. Lipum's final report for the EU's Horizon 2020 framework program has been approved and the company will receive 496,000 EUR as final payment from the program. Horizon 2020, the EU's framework program for research and development, has granted Lipum a total of EUR 2.2 million to develop SOL-116 for [...]



In the magazine "Skelett och ledhälsa” our founders Professor Olle Hernell, Dr. Susanne Lindquist and Professor Lennart Lundberg were interviewed about our drug candidate SOL-116. SOL-116 is the antibody that we have developed for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and we are now moving towards an IPO to secure the financing for further progress. [...]



At Biostock Life Science Summit last week our CEO Einar Pontén presented the recent progress in bringing our lead candidate SOL-116 towards clinical verification. He also briefly described Lipum’s strategy to pre-clinically explore a palette of chronic inflammatory conditions in parallel. Altogether it will constitute a solid platform for partnering and a [...]


Digital Resi – Three day conference

Lipum will participate at Digital RESI (Redefining Early Stage Investments), a dedicated global partnering event. The challenge for the attendees will be the geographic time zone issues and that may require some flexibility. Fortunately, being virtual and being able to extend the conference from a one day physical to a three-day virtual conference means more [...]


Biostock Life Science Summit

Our CEO Einar Pontén is preparing for BioStock Life Science Summit on 17 November at 12:30. He will present our unique approach to treat chronic inflammations and the progress with the lead candidate SOL-116. It has now been produced in 200L scale and is ready for toxicological studies that will start in December. In parallel [...]


Norrlandsfonden invests in lipum

Susanne Lindquist and Olle Hernell, two of Lipums founders. - Lipum is a very exciting company in drug development that also has a strong sustainability perspective, says Anna Hedström, Norrlandsfonden, in the press release published on MyNewsdesk. Read the full press release here » (in Swedish)


Research engineer is strengthen our team

- It´s going to be both fun and exciting to contribute to Lipum's progress, says Assar Bäckman, research engineer. Assar comes with extensive experience in the field of gene expression analysis and he will strengthen our team in the lab during the autumn by further digging into BSSLs role in the inflammatory process on a [...]


Shareholders meeting in Lipum

News: Umeå, 18 August 2020. Lipum invites to a meeting with the shareholders On August 27, Lipum shareholders will meet virtually. The recent progress and plans for the future will be presented and discussed. More detailed information will be sent out in personal mail. Warm welcome!



Pressmeddelande: Umeå, 17 August 2020. Kallelse till extra bolagsstämma Aktieägarna i Lipum AB, org. nr. 556813-5999 ("Lipum"), kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma fredagen den 28 augusti 2020, kl. 12:00 på Tvistevägen 48C i Umeå. Förslag till dagordning och beslut bifogas. Handlingar enligt aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) skickas ut på begäran. Aktieägare som önskar delta i stämman ska [...]


Growing up with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Clara Laurell. Foto: Roger Larsson, Hallandsposten News: Umeå, 27 August 2020. Growing up with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Every year, more than 200 Swedish children are diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), also called childhood rheumatism. JIA is a rheumatic disease that affects joints, causes severe pain and reduce the quality of life. Lipums aim is [...]

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