Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases — Notid
New share issue round about to close on Sunday 17 February
Tomorrow, Lipum will close a share issue raising SEK 25 million in addition to support from Horizon 2020 of SEK 23 million grant. The capital will finance the preclinical work and the development of a production method up to the start of toxicology studies next year. See the full [...]
Lipum on the list of Swedish startups who receive millions from the EU
"Sweden is number eight on the list of European countries that receive the most money" says Johan Lindberg at Vinnova, who helps Swedish companies to apply for EU grants. So far, Sweden has received SEK 10 billion through the EU Innovation Fund Horizon 2020, of which 25 million was allocated [...]
Lipum makes a share issue for faster progress
Being a European Commission Horizon 2020 beneficiary has a distinct positive impact on our development. The 2.2 M€ grant enables us to proceed faster towards a new drug against chronic inflammatory diseases. To further increase the momentum we are now raising additional funding by a share issue. Interested investors get [...]
Lipum – towards production of its lead candidate
A range of CMO partners have been evaluated for cell line development and production of Lipum’s antibody. Next weeks our CEO and CMC Project Manager will travel to both Europe and the US visiting contract manufacturers before selecting this critical collaboration partner. To be continued ...
“Investors are interested” – interview with CEO Einar Pontén
An article from Biostock In the northern of Sweden, Umeå, the privately owned company Lipum wants to draw the game plan for the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. The main assets are a new drug candidate and promising preclinical result for a unique target molecule. BioStock has met CEO Einar Pontén [...]
Lipum receives 2.2 M€ grant from Horizon 2020
Press release Aug 29, 2018 Lipum's unique approach for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases receives 2.2 M€ support from EU Horizon 2020, the EU framework program for research and development, will grant 2.2 million euros to Lipum’s ongoing development of a biological pharmaceutical for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Lipum [...]
European Commission Horizon 2020
SME Instrument phase 1 No 744248
SME Instrument phase 2 No 829741
Project title:
Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases
Project budget:
3.2 M€
Funding from the EU:
2.2 M€