Lipum participate at the LSX Nordic Congress

News: Umeå, 25 august, 2021.Lipums CEO Einar Pontén will present Lipum at LSX Nordic Virtual Congress 6-17 September. The LSX Nordic Congress is annual investment and partnering conference for the Nordic life science and healthcare industry.   For further information, please contact:  Einar Pontén, CEO E-post: Mobil: +46 70 578 34 95 Web:   About [...]


Professor Olle Hernell has received the Macy György award

Press release: Umeå, 19 August, 2021. Professor Olle Hernell that is co-founder and board member of Lipum has been honored with the Macy György award 2021 for his research in human milk and lactation.For almost 50 years Professor of Pediatrics Olle Hernell and his group at Umeå University have been studying breast milk and its [...]


Lennart Lundberg Joins Lipum’s Scientific Advisory Board

News: Umeå, 6 July 2021. Lennart Lundberg is a Professor of Protein Biotechnology with more than 30 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. He is one of the three founders that started Lipum AB (publ) in 2010 and has since been on the board as both Chairman and member.What made you decide to [...]


Communique from extra general meeting in Lipum AB

Press release: Umeå, 19 June 2021. Extra general meeting in Lipum AB (publ), corporate identity number 556813-5999 (the “Company”) was held on 18 June 2021 in Umeå by postal voting, whereby the shareholders, in accordance with the notice, primarily resolved on the following matters.The extra general meeting appointed Åsa Hansdotter and Ingemar Kihlström as new board [...]


The Life Science Spring Summit virtual event

News: Umeå, 24 May 2021.   On May 26 at 12:00 am Lipum will tell what´s going on in the company and what the future plans look like. Link to the event. Welcome to meet us!   For further information, please contact:  Einar Pontén, CEO E-post: Mobile:   +46 70 5783495 Web: About Lipum [...]


Lipum’s final report for Horizon 2020 has been approved

Press release: Umeå, 18 March 2021. Lipum's final report for the EU's Horizon 2020 framework program has been approved and the company will receive 496,000 EUR as final payment from the program.Horizon 2020, the EU's framework program for research and development, has granted Lipum a total of EUR 2.2 million to develop SOL-116 for treatment [...]


Marina Norberg new CFO at Lipum AB

Press release: Umeå, January 26, 2020. Lipum AB has appointed Marina Norberg Chief Financial Officer (CFO).Marina Norberg has extensive experience as an approved auditor at PwC and as authorized accounting consultant within Aspia AB, the management team of which she belonged. Marina Norberg will report to CEO Einar Pontén and be part of Lipum's management [...]


Press release about Lipum

Press release: MyNewsdesk October 5, 2020.– Lipum is a very exciting company in drug development that also has a strong sustainability perspective, says Anna Hedström, Norrlandsfonden, in the press release published on MyNewsdesk. Read the full press release here » (in Swedish)


Shareholders meeting in Lipum AB

News: Umeå, 18 August 2020. Lipum invites to a meeting with the shareholdersOn August 27, Lipum shareholders will meet virtually. The recent progress and plans for the future will be presented and discussed. More detailed information will be sent out in personal mail. Warm welcome!


Capital raise secures development of Lipum’s novel drug

Lipum is supported by Horizon 2020, the EU framework program for research and development, and was granted 23 MSEK for the development of a biological pharmaceutical for treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition to this grant another 25 MSEK was raised in 2019. Now the capital needed to maintain the momentum has been secured [...]

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