BioStock Life Science Summit

Life Science industry leaders, financing experts and qualified investors gather in Lund. Welcome to meet us at Biostock Life Science Summit, october 23th-24th. […]


Lipum participates in investment and partnering meeting

Today, our COO, Pernilla Abrahamsson, is traveling to Paris to participate at French-Swedish Life Science Days 2019. The goal of the conference is to establish new contacts and identify business and collaboration opportunities. The conference will gather early stage and highly innovative medtech and biotech companies from Sweden and France, French and Swedish life science [...]


Lipum to Basel for one-to-one meetings

- We are looking forward to one-to-one meetings in Basel, among the largest biopharma hubs in Europe, says CEO Einar Pontén when Lipum is preparing to participate at the 19th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum (Sachs) on September 25-26.


Lipum attends the largest Nordic Partnering Conference

- This is the right arena for Lipum, says Einar Pontén. It gives us an opportunity to meet people and inform about our progress and long-term plan. Lipum will participate September 10-12th at Nordic Life Science Days, the largest Nordic partnering conference dedicated to the life science industry. The NLSDays attracts leading decision makers from [...]


Lipum presents at Biostock Live

On August 27, Lipums CEO Einar Pontén will present our recent progress towards a novel treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. The presentation will be broadcasted live on the web from 10am. On this autumn's first BioStock Live Investor Event you have the chance to listen to presentations and talk with representatives from five life science [...]


Lipum invites to shareholders meeting

On August 28, Lipum shareholders will meet at Clarion Hotel Arlanda Airport. The recent progress and plans for the future will be presented and discussed. More detailed information will be sent out in personal mail. Warm welcome!


Getting roasted by investors

As a Horizon 2020 beneficiary we are invited to the SME Instrument Phase 2 Welcome Day organized by the European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot in Brussels, May 22-23. Besides business networking the agenda includes: “Get roasted by investors – ready to go?”, “Success story from SME Instrument Innovator” and “Learn more about grant management”.

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